Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to fix a magnetic drawing board

Not sure about anyone else but over time several of our magnetic drawing boards have had the erase feature stop working. You know you fill the board with drawings and then can no longer erase any of it? You run the swiping eraser back and forth and everything stays the same? Well I am going to show you the very simple way to fix it.
First you start with your broken doodle.

Flip it over and remove all of the screws on the back.

After you do that you will find that the magnetic strip has come off the slider.  get yourself some super glue, pick up the slider and glue the magnet back on.  DO NOT glue the magnetic strip to the slider without picking it up. You could accidentally glue it all to the board.

After you know the slider is dry, place it back on the board, put the drawing layer back on, and out your screws back in.  That's it! Working again!


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  2. Hey, Thanks for sharing this impressive blog. This actually useful to me. I also share another related article Best magnetic drawing board for more help to all.

  3. Thanks for the tip.can you help me plz with how to fix when you cannot write on some of the areas? Can it be fixable.thank you

  4. My issue as well. Is there a fix to get it writing again?
